Monday, January 3, 2011


It has been two months since I blogged. I took a break. I needed time to grieve and cry and figure out this whole death business. What I learned is that it never really makes sense. I mean the logical, educated, Christian side of me knows why my Dad had to leave us. The daughter side of me still looks to heaven and wonders, what the heck! Why my Dad? For that reason I was so relieved when the calendar changed over to 2011. 2010 was an AWFUL year. Not just because of my Dad but for other events as well. But they are in the past and there is no looking back. It is a new year and time to start again.  I have never made resolutions because how can you say you are going to do something without taking into consideration all the outside forces just waiting to derail your good intentions. That being said I have a few things that I need to do in 2011. They are things just for me. Not for my loving husband or my daughter or anyone else, just me. That alone is probably shocking to those who know me. I never put myself first, but this year I am. I am also not broadcasting to everyone what these things are. If I accomplish one or none of these items I only have to answer to myself.  It will be a long year and I will probably fall of track once in a while but I know I can do anything. 2010 tried and tried again to knock me down. A few time I was not sure if I could get up. But I did. In 2011 I can do anything.

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